For your holiday in Favignana, call: +39 345.9300100

How to reach Favignana and our Residence

Our residence is located in the center of Favignana, in the heart of town, just 50 meters from the main square. Nearby, in addition to numerous car rental (although it does not recommend the use of the car in Favignana), you can find:

  •     restaurants and pizzerias;
  •     ice cream parlors, bakeries and bars;
  •     small supermarkets and specialty stores;

From our apartments you can reach easily and in a short time all the main attractions of the island, with its fascinating caves of tufa beaches and coves:

  • Cala azzurra
  • Cala rossa
  • Cala grande
  • Cala rotonda
  • Grotta perciata
  • Lido burrone
  • Previto
  • Punta Fanfalo
  • Punta Marsala
  • Il Bue Marino


How to reach the port of Trapani (and then embark for Favignana)

Select one of these links to view the route on Google Maps:

To know the schedules of the hydrofoils and ferries is advisable to visit the websites of the companies:

Where we are